Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You are lucky...

My mind  has been wandering lately, dreaming of the time when I will be reunited with my Girls and having a family celebration and I haven’t been up on writing…sometimes life gets so hard you wonder, who wants to know about your measly little problems compared to the big issues of Boston’s bombing or how there isn’t a budget or how people are being shot and killed for nothing….but then something struck me today and I think I need to voice it….
My nephew (I love him dearly) was posting on how he had to wait in line for 20 minutes for a part and how it was such a pain, to which a friend of his commiserated and piped in about getting a part for a garden tool that he needed to work on his garden….I was thinking about this for a long time because I do not want to come off as critical but here it is in a nutshell….YOU ARE LUCKY…..The people in Belize recycle because they have to, they have no choice. …If something breaks usually the expats that are my friends and I sit and look at each other and shake our heads…we know what comes next….First, let us see if they have something here that we can make do with to create a “part” that will work, or recycle something else that’s broken and see if that will work…if that doesn't work then they have to figure out who and when is someone going to Mexico and can they get the part without paying a fortune in customs, if that doesn't worry you too much you could order the part from the States, it usually takes (when you pay priority mail) 3-4 weeks without it….
And as far as the garden tool my nephews friend was complaining about, YOU ARE LUCKY…..most Belize ans here have one tool, I've seen them do amazing things with the machete…. I've seen them take down whole palm trees (large ones) a piece at a time, “chop” the lawn (Mowers are really expensive here), trim the bush, and sow the garden with a Machete……
I got up from reading this and went to do my wash….American Washers cost upwards of $2000 Bz so rather than buying that initially I started with a wash board…that was hard but exhilarating as I looked at the fresh laundry and knew it was clean…But I now have a “Chinese” washer….you put the wash in, fill it up with a hose and the machine with agitate it for you, of course, it only goes one way as compared to the washers in the States that go both ways, so every once in awhile I pull the wash up  down, then you drain all the soapy water out, as you drain you are also spraying your clothes to make sure you get all the soap out , then you can put it in the spinner part (separate from the washing container) and spin out all the soap, then you put it in the washer part again, but this time your doing a rinse cycle, drain, spray, spin and hang….it takes time….time for me to stand over the thing and do all this stuff….Thank God it isn't broken and I don’t need a new part…..
I know I picked this life, I knew it wasn't going to be easy….The week before last my husband talked to his sister and of all the questions she might have had the only one she asked was what do we do for fun?....Most people probably think we are down here drinking cervesa’s and spending our days sitting around but Charlie and I have developed a bit of a work routine, Charlie more so than I….(I cheat and have Facebook up on the side as I am writing or researching…or even painting) but we rarely do “fun” things…..we are more about living this life and trying to better our community, perhaps too much so…..
 But I have to say this for the people of Belize; they do work hard (when they work! LOL) and there may be times you run into a bad person, but I feel that is the same for any country or group of people….there are always ways that life could be improved….Too many people in the States do not realize how hard life can be.   These people have given me a sense of patience in dealing with issues, sometimes their stoicism is just the way they handle life’s ups and downs and how you have to roll with the punches, I just know that I am looking forward to a visit to the States, but I think I will probably be glad to come back……