Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sitting on the verandah sipping lime juice and watching the boats go By!!!

I think the best thing at the zoo besides the amusing signs along the way, are the green headed Macaws, they love to talk to you while you sing “Don’t worry, Be Happy” and have their own fill ins.  It was amusing to us but then some nino’s came along and they wouldn’t sing for them.   I think they had been abused by children in the past. 
                After leaving the zoo we went along the highway.  We had been told that there was this great place to stop and see art at a place called the “Art Box”  but when we got there it was unfortunately closed.  Another place we saw was called the “Orange Square” but felt we were running out of time since we had told the owners of the Battle Creek resort we would be there for dinner,  we agreed to continue on with the idea we would stop on the way back.  San Ignacio reminds me of a large town set in a hill.  It was bustling with activity when we pulled in on Sunday.   There is a main market and there is the town itself.  The town section is reminiscent of some of the streets of D.C., they have all kinds of little gift shops in between bars and eatery’s.   There are parts that look shabby and then there are parts that you know have been done up with the idea of being appreciative to the tourist eyes.  The people are friendly though, and courteous.   They let you know if you are driving wrong with a nice little beep, especially when your looking for one of their little side streets.  Large buses beep at every intersection and they are trying to let you k now to get out of their way!  We had originally intended to go around San Ignacio but we had picked up a hombre of garafuna descent and we were giving him a ride into town.  We didn’t stop much in San Ignacio the first night but the next day was an experience.
                That first night in Cohune Palms Resort was a little of a blur, the day had been long and we were tired.  I remember seeing our bungalow, very cute but basically the same as the one we had at Cere’s Beach, only more jazzed up for the tourists.  One of the things I remember Jen telling me is that she didn’t put table cloths down because the flies would gather under them and then you put your feet under and got bit up.  Unfortunately I remembered that too late the first night!  Sometimes making things “pretty” isn’t the most practical.  I immediately notice this place has been established with the idea of visitors, it is way to sophisticated.  It has a concrete rock path lining the way through to the different bungalows and it has some of the more beautiful fauna planted next to the paths.  I did see a huge frog along the path and every place I’ve been there are frogs along the way, I know Mom is probably along enjoying the experience with me!  Anyways, the food served was pineapple chicken which was fairly good.  Charlie said he thought we had been spoiled having a chef prepare for us the last couple of nights but I think the food was ok, good for home cooked.   It was also the type of dish that is typical of the Belizians, with fried plantain on the side.   The bed was hard that night though this cabana did have fans, but no netting and I am liking the use of the netting.  It can be a bit uncomfortable to climb into but then generally your left alone without bugs. 
                Cohune Palms is right along a river that is a gorgeous site.  It has paths down the river bank to places you can dunk yourself in.  Unfortunately I felt that the paths were too steep for me, but Charlie said they were fine.   I am not going to push the ankle too much but have been amazed at what I can do with it so far!  Being this close to water you don’t see the dangerous yellow flies  too much but I do see a mass of small little bugs who’s bites sting.   DON’T FORGET LOTS OF BUG SPRAY!!   It’s expensive to get here and you get something that might be a couple of years old! Charlie says it’s not as bad as on the northern shore but I disagree, the bugs liked me just fine at Cohune palms, perhaps more so!  He was the one that didn’t get bit as much at Cohune while I was the one who didn’t get bit as much at Ceres.  Different blood for different bugs!  LOL.  Anyways the river was gorgeous and it was a very touristy area.  I just didn’t feel comfortable!
                The next morning we got a huge breakfast, we both chose the breakfast tortilla but the neighbor chose the French toast.  She was praising it but I really wasn’t in the mood for anything sweet, the watermelon juice was enough!  I have to say that the breakfast tortilla was enough to feel a family of six!  I am getting used to sugar cane sugar in my coffee though and it was very good.  We  went to the realtor.  Now I am all set for Belizian time but after waiting a half hour for him and he still hadn’t shown up Charlie pulled out the cell and did the big bad no no.  He called from our cell, I can’t wait to see the bill!  Seems the realtor was in the back fields and had forgotten that he had this appointment but his boss answered the phone and said he would meet us at 10 thirty.  Of course we were there late but still waiting another 45 minutes before that guy showed.  We told him about the property we wanted to see and he said he would meet us there on Saturday.  He reminded me of a smoother Kyle Rath, how he was this great guy who knows everyone and has all these properties.  We spent time waiting for him in the market thinking we would do some touristy things after wards.  By the time we left it was 1:20 and since it was a holiday all the tourist shops were closed, we thought about going to another temple but it was hot and I didn’t want to eat at Cohune that night.  We ended up driving around a little, getting locked out of the car, and finally getting a early dinner and going back to the hotel to relax until traveling the next day.

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