Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jesus & Lizards......

Do you know what a Jesus Lizard is?   I just found out,  it’s a lizard that walks on it’s two hind legs and since it moves so fast that when it walks across puddles they look like they are walking on water.  You can see them all over the place here, I see them skittering across the road when I am driving down it.  They are cute, and I do mean cute cause I am one of those women who hate snakes but don’t mind Lizards.  We have a sizeable one in the back yard.  Every time I walk outside he is there and greets me and I swear there is some intelligence in his eyes and the way he cocks his head as if in answer to my questions….He’s got some pretty markings on his back in a kind of lime green color and some places he has the typical dark green of his kind….
The reason we have seen so many lizards is because it’s been rainy season and they are skittering around to find food.  The water by the ferry has caused a major mud plane with about 6 holes around 20 feet wide and about 8 to 12 inches deep, I only know cause when I step out of the truck you can see the muck left behind on the side step, it’s pretty covered.  Here there are car washes that clean out UNDER the car and then oils the bottoms down.  Because during the rainy season there are muddy roads, lots of holes and “puddles” (I call them mini Lakes).  We’ve had some major work on the car because of the roads, things like the break lines get caked in mud and then they break and we have to replace them.  Most important person when you come to Belize is a good mechanic, we are lucky to have one!
The weather is starting to get cooler finally.  It should normally been in the 80’s but it’s been in the 90’s.  We are finally getting some eastern winds instead of the northern winds that were holding the higher temps up there.  It’s still hard to believe that it’s Halloween and we are waiting for some of the village kids to come around for trick or treating.  I was told they would but haven’t seen any yet.  CJ wanted to go out and about but he’s been sick today and complained that he just didn’t feel well, I think the change in temperature has affected him cause he sounds nasally…..hmm.    Still doesn’t feel much like Halloween and I think that’s because there was a pumpkin shortage.  Normally the Belizian’s get their pumpkins from Mexico but this year none.  I wish I had thought creatively like my friend Lynn who used watermelons, I love to eat water melons and it would have been something to have CJ carve one.   Oh, Well, there’s always next year!
My days have been getting shorter to me…I have so many projects I want to complete but I don’t seem to find myself focusing on the projects as much as I would want.  What would you do with a wandering mind????

Thursday, October 4, 2012


So, here I am horizontal and whining cause there is nothing I can do from this position when my husband comes in to give me a wake up call..He is right.  Part of the reason, and only part, whether some people believe it or not is that it was my health that was one of the deciding factors and the other factor was something altogether different and  the family (not all but some) doesn't get.  But that's his story, not mine to tell but here's what the wake up call was about.  "Honey, when we were in the states what would you do if you were passing stones on both sides?"
Truth is I would have dragged my miserable butt into the office and felt so sick I could weep but didn't have any choice cause I would want the office to succeed for one more week, why? Cause that's what needed to be done.
I've been riddled with kidney stones for years.  After going to more doctor appointments than my mother I've been told there isn't anything they can do for me. Not a thing....just keep myself hydrated and try to stay away from a list of endless list.
"Stars in the skies" said Doctor Lee, "if we take out all the stones you have no kidney"  I am already down one kidney due to all the scar tissue and the lack of use, I only have 59% use over all and can function for years on that but I am now allergic to every antibiotic known to man and so there isn't much more they could have done for me in the hospital. So I would have gone to work and worked through the pain cause I'm a "OOOHHHRRRAAAA" Marine where pain is good for you and it's a matter of mind over matter. Charlie would have been miserable the whole time I was there cause he would know I was in pain.  Instead I'm in bed....yeah, sure bored to tears but I am getting the rest I need and guess husband is pushing the water down my throat every half hour and making sure I get the motrim to keep the fever down and keeping me company...things I wouldn't have had before.
Yes, there are reasons to coming to Belize....Have you done something lately cause you felt like you HAD to do it?  Are you tired of being a big fish in a tiny pond?

Lord, I am so grateful for all you have given me...even the stones..............