Thursday, August 30, 2012

Going South

So far I had written about Belize and about our trip but I've never written about how we came about with the decision to move to Belize.  Besides the fact that the humidity is wonderful, that there isn't snow, that we will have a lagoon in the front yard, and that life would be slower and hence less stressful we have some primitive ideas that we would be useful to some of the people down there.
Sure it's great to move to a place that makes you feel healthy and able to do more than you can...but it's also a good place to stretch our wings and live with the idealistic thought that we may improve something about the area that we are moving to.  We are not going there as tourists........I want to volunteer in the school and Charlie would like to see what he could do for the government there.
The other point that I had wanted to discuss in this particular posting was an observation that I have spent more than several days, weeks or months coming to.  We had a big house, (now down to the three of us living there) and a big office.....we had a LOT of stuff.  In the course of moving we knew we needed to take ourselves down to the bare basics.....that only critical items could go.  I found myself looking at alot of what I had acquired over the years and there were items that I had associated certain feelings or memories to go with.  It was interesting that initially I was going through each item and saying to myself things like Mom gave me that so therefore I couldn't possibly get rid of it or that's something that was in the family to begin with .  You start to get impatient with yourself and wonder if you really NEED this item and come to the conclusion that you can have all these items, that materialistically they might mean something to you but suddenly you realize, how much you hold on to things they would never bring back that moment or even make that person that it makes you think of come back.  You really look at how we as people assimilate memories and there comes that heart breaking moment of realizing that all the "junk" you carry around it really "junk that it would never take you back to those memories and having the items don't really do anything for you......
hmmmmmmmm.  Well I am exhausted and I want to spend some time with my cousin and his family so I will sign off now...............

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