Friday, August 31, 2012


Well we are still in Texas...just for the night.  We stopped just outside the Laredo Airport, at a place called LeQuinta's .  Seems pretty nice after a day of driving, got something to eat and unloaded the truck.  I have to say today was so much easier than all the other days since we aren't lugging the trailer with us. When we were in Houston this morning we dropped off the goods to be shipped, dropped the U Haul off and then spent a few minutes with my cousin Todd and his wife, Jennifer.   I truly like them, they are good people and I was so grateful for them to put us up for the night!
My impressions of Texas are kinda weird.  One minute your in a major town and their are highways in the sky, the next minute you are traveling across miles and miles of what looks like barren land.  No towns, nothing but trees, cactus, and cattle.  It's so neat to realize that we've gone through  Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia and now we are at the tip of  Texas....I think Texas is the flattest state and it's pretty in it's unique sky, barren but green land and the roughness of the life reminds me of Belize somewhat.   I am impressed with Texas more than I thought I would be.

Tomorrow we start the part of the journey that everyone seems think is the worst, going through Mexico.  I just feel like God is watching over us in so many ways...if I hadn't gotten sick I would have probably been traveling through Isaac, if we had left when we were supposed to I would have had the gall bladder attack on the road and if I hadn't hit the states when we did we would have incurred even more problems!


  1. We're thinking of you and Charlie and sending wishes for an interesting but uncomplicated trip through Mexico!

  2. Can't wait to see you guys on your next trip down here!
