Saturday, September 1, 2012

Funny thing to think about on our way to the boarder

So, today we cross the boarder into Mexico.  Charlie came in a few minutes ago and  I looked at him as I was gathering our stuff together and he looked a little sick so I asked him what was wrong, he said "Our stuff, we have too much stuff!".  It hit me then that he was worried about carrying too much over into Mexico  in the back of the truck.  It's funny how much "stuff" we left behind us.  We had taken our "stuff" down to two mattresses , two sewing machines, two tv's, pots and pans (bare minimum), two desks and our personal belongings.  Even then it was amazing to us that we had 13 boxes of books...(we are avid readers) the majority was shipped from Houston and just the clothes, my paints, meds, and dog goods are in the back of the truck.  He was saying that although I had pared down the majority of my "stuff" it was still too much.  The really bad thing is that I think he was right......we do have too much stuff.  So little compared to some and so much compared to much "stuff" do you live with?  How much is really necessary?  I wonder about what I really need in that truck and what I am taking just because I have it.........That makes me think about other "stuff" that we are trying to leave behind us.  The emotional "junk" of having worked in a law practice for over 16 years and knowing that, I've carried other peoples "junk" around for years, voluntarily, yes, but I still need to let go.   Hmmm......funny thing about boarders, they make us think about our "junk"

1 comment:

  1. I'm going through the same process, thinking about moving onto our boat. I came to the realization yesterday that almost none of the books I have are in the Critical to Have list; most are in the "nice to have" pile. How odd is that? LOL!!!
