Sunday, November 25, 2012

Frozen Veggies....

So, it’s passed, Thanksgiving is gone and I made it through it without a complete and utter break down like I normally do because I miss the folks so bad.  I thought this year would be harder still because the girls weren't around but the key to not letting a holiday get to you I think is to keep busy.  I think Mom would have appreciated how busy I've been keeping myself… body has been aching because I don’t sit as much as I used to and I like that to an extent…my feet have been protesting which tells me I need to take it easy on them….
Today, after church, we did what we've been doing lately and went to the market to try and buy enough fruits and veggies to get through the week.  Now this is really sad,  but one of the things I miss the most from the states I think is going into Wegmans and not having to think about what type of veggie to get, knowing I could put it in the freezer (I always bought the poly packs of veggies that are frozen) and then when I was rushing around in the rat race of life in NY I would simply throw a bag of frozen veggies in the microwave and be done with it.  Not so here!  Everything is fresh, you buy it fresh from the farm and you eat it quick before it goes bad. I've had stuff go bad and you feel the pain of it, thinking that you wanted to use it and then because of the heat here (they say it’s warm here but not much so to me anymore) everything goes bad quickly.   (Also, I didn't bring a microwave down here, why should I?  I am trying live simpler)
After my visit last week with my girlfriend Donna to Orange Walk and the Peoples Store and looking at the real deal as far as grocery stores I got to be thinking about how it’s so nice to eat fresh but knowing that sometimes when you buy something it will be going bad soon enough.   Like a head of cauliflower or broccoli, it doesn't take much and I love those two veggies and sometimes they are really hard to get.   So, today after Church when I was in the market I saw a full head of cauliflower!  I decided then and there I would buy the whole thing (usually they cut off how much you need) and I would “put some up”.   Now, we haven’t bought our property here yet so I haven’t started the garden and the lifestyle I want to attempt (trying to live as much self sustaining as possible)  but this small gesture could work to maintain my feeling that I would be more able to handle the care of produce and make it so I could live my words.   I bought some carrots as well (a staple down here and I think a healthy one, in church I was looking around and a lot of people here don’t have glasses, I think it’s because they eat so much carrots! ) and broccoli.  I put up a frozen bag or two of the veggies I brought and kept some aside for during the week. 
It is so easy to “Put away” veggies, I've been reading up on it and it doesn't require a whole lot of work, just general preparation.  You cut up the vegetable that you want and you par boil it in salted water and then put them in plastic bags and freeze them.   It was good because now that we are down to three people eating, buying one of those big bags wouldn't work anymore.  I love the fact that I could fill the bags with only as much as we would need for a meal.  Hey, this wasn't so hard!!!  And I was recycling too, cause I would keep using the same boiling water and just swap out which veggies I was boiling down….and then I used the boiling water to heat up my dish water (I don’t have a kitchen sink here, just two tubs, one with dish water and one with rinse and bleach)  and I felt good.  Then I figured something out…..In NY it was a rat race and I would race around like crazy working my butt off to make sure we brought in enough money to make it through another week,  here I am thinking things through and trying to live as cheaply as possible, it’s all about survival!  No matter where you are in life and what you do with your life you are trying your best to survive in that lifestyle that you feel is necessary….
What have you done lately to make your “survival” more successful?

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