Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My daily diet...

My Daily diet….
So I've been thinking about lately what it is that makes us go… know, what makes life bearable for you?  I personally am the happiest clam alive as long as I know my family is doing well...the true family that I care about on a day to day basis.  I have some feelings for some family that shall be left alone during this post…(WHEW, you should all breath nicely now!!)   But what does it take to make the day worthwhile for you?  I think I need to be challenged mentally on a daily basis.  Not just the OK  I need to think about what we are having for dinner but the thought process that makes you wonder about things like organic gardening, clean air, clean living, healthy choices, and making thing work in a day to day choice mode…
I've found that I am enjoying living in Belize so much.  It challenges me to think thing through.  An example is the “Washing Machine” issue.  We bought a washing machine (not your typical washing machine but one of these cheap Chinese things that hardly works but does something more than the wash board does for me,  at least it’s not rocks!)  This thing needs to be hooked up into the water (I used a garden hose to put water in it) and then it drains.  Now, I don’t want to do my laundry outside.  I have too many projects going on and although most of the women in the village do their laundry outside, which makes it easy for them to not worry about draining, they just let the water run on the ground… I have this issue where the drain site I am using (the shower area) sits higher up than the machine does…the draining is done by good old fashioned earth pull so therefore, I am a little short.  Normally I try but Charlie does pull up the machine so it drains…  I have been steadily asking him for a “box on wheels” to put this machine on so it would make it more mobile to move around (it’s light enough though that I could carry it) and make it elevated enough that I don’t have to pick it up to drain it off.  Sounds simple enough, right?
Nope, nothing has been done about this for weeks though.  I am frustrated and want to voice my frustration and feeling like I want to regurgitate some of the diet I've taken in in frustration….( see my point?)  Now the heartburn is setting in and the diet is unbalanced.  I needed to step back and think things through…..see it’s simple enough to just put the machine inside the shower stall on a couple of boards so it’s above the drain and the water isn’t near the long cord for the plug… why didn't I think about it before?  Because my diet was unbalanced and that caused me to be unbalanced…..right????
So here’s the other part of it.  I am finding that the one thing I miss so dearly from my life before and the life I am living right now are my friends.  You know,  the people that you talk to briefly during the day?  The jokesters at the office that play the pranks or the person that you call to say “You won’t believe what happened to me today” people.  It’s not that I want to move back or anything because I am loving it here.  But my social life isn't what it used to be anymore.  I miss my Bridget and our coffee sessions where we would talk about the work that needed to be done and what had transpired in the previous hours…. Don’t’ get me wrong, I do have friends here.  There are special people that I have met that I wouldn't trade the experience of meeting them for anything!
Now I am trying to adjust my daily diet but it needs a slow adjustment.  If anyone is up to this task I think I am.  I know that on a daily basis I talk to people (YES, more than Charlie!) here but they aren’t on an even keel with me yet.  It’s like eating meat and potatoes and switching to rice and beans…you have to give the diet time to work it’s kinks out…..Is there some way you could enhance your daily diet?  Could you meet someone new, add a dollop of clotted cream to your diet?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, but it is rocks! Don't lie! :P
    Also, women typically base a lot of their views on life on the relationships they share, something that men don't. So your adjustment is completely normal, Dad is normal too...just don't tell him I said that!
