Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Traveling Walmart....

So, here's the thing....Belize is a second rate country! By that I mean that we get second hand stuff from other countries, like the states.  Stuff that Walmart couldn't sell and has given up on.   Anyways, I had earlier posted how important it was to be able to get the Belikan Beer Guy to stop so you could buy water, juices, coke, sprite, and other things.   When I was talking about this I thought it was good because at gas almost $13 BZ per gallon it would have been difficult for many of the people to go into shop, they would have to pay for the bus but then sometimes even that is too expensive because if you have to pay for the trip there and the trip back then you've spent money that you probably needed for the articles you wanted to buy.  I found out today that there is a truck that drives around with an assortment of articles for sale....like a traveling Walmart!!!
Traveling Walmart!
So, it was kind of neat to watch this guy travel down my road very slowly so all the people could flag him down if they wanted anything...

This reminded me of the days when Montgomery Wards would travel around delivering packages and selling articles off the truck, like maybe in the 40's.....So the real question here is....HOW advanced truly have we become as a society with our split level super malls?

The other thing a group of us were discussing today was the gringo's from Calvary were back in town....By that we mean that some Canadians that come down once or twice a year to "fix" things were back.  It's amazing how truly smart Belizian's are because they do accept the help and are not judgmental of this couple but quietly don't let them in on any of the real goings on....These people make me angry because they come down once or twice a year and say they are "helping" by bringing things like computers or books but they aren't here for the long haul....I mean the day in day out concern I have for some of the Belizian's and knowing how hard it is.  It's like putting a finger in the damn and knowing the whole thing could blow any time.  This couple were acting like they are all it and they are beloved endowments and they OWN the people.....it made me mad because I am here all the time and helping out in small ways but that these people were giving Gringo's a bad name...and I'm one of those gringos!!!
These people do not need someone to tell them how to make their life better, because truly they do have a good life here.  They do not need people to tell them how to do things, they can figure that out on their own. They just need a chance to be given the knowledge of things.   And if you come down here with a "Hail to me,  I am almighty" attitude what you will get is quiet people who will give you a smug look when your back is turned......truly, they have an amazing idea of what it takes to live and live well and they are resilient enough to figure out how to create a traveling Walmart....Wouldn't you give them kudo's for that???
I know I would!

Wouldn't you want to go without a Walmart once in awhile???

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