Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting across the boarder.

Well, we arrived at the boarder at 3:20 yesterday and it's been a very long 24 or so hours.  When we arrived there were things we did wrong and several things we did right.  One is that we got a very good broker to argue the price of our goods and bringing them over.  The other was that the timing was completely wrong to arrive, the Belizian government has switched to a new system at the boarder that is computerized and hooked up with the Mexican and the American boarder system..  They had just implemented the system and were learning how to operate it, needless to say, it went down for more than several hours and more than several days in the last twenty four hours.  It took us about 23 hours to get the truck across the boarder, but they let Tip and us cross last night to  spend some time with Bill and Jen.  It was a good day though to spend in a Belizian Immigration Boarder....the weather was great and there was the best breeze ever.  I really was glad to not spend one more day in the truck and I got to meet other expats that were coming in as well as other people trying to get through the system.
The broker was really great, he got the porter to assist us in getting a taxi, making sure  C.J was occupied today as well as making sure that we got lunch and were pushed through.  finally about 3:30 we were allowed to go, we hopped over to get our automobile insured and stopped to look at some appliances on the way out of Corozol.
Finally we got to stop in Copper Bank and Charlie got to see the house.  It was better than I remembered but I had  hoped he would see that I did make an effort.  I am so glad to have Rogel and Lolita as our landlords and I think it will be a good thing.  They will make the transition easier for us.
After talking with them and coming back to the resort we got some dinner and sat up with Jen and Bill watching that new show on Discovery called preppers.  It was interesting because the whole show was completely subtitled in spanish.
We came back to the room and I opened up my facebook to find some very nasty posting from Charlie's brother on my Facebook.  It's difficult to face his anger over us choosing to move away like we did.  He is under the impression that anything he says we need to conform to and he also seems to think that I am the sole reason for the move and the sole responsibility for the move is on me.  He doesn't give Charlie any credit for wanting to move and yet,  I know that I wasn't the sole reason.  He hasn't figured out yet that I want my child to grow up with better morals and a better code to live by and be more respectful of what he has...This is truly what Belize can offer.  The people do not see the color of your skin nor do they have that sense of entitlement that just because a child is born you need to spend the rest of your life providing them with the "best" of everything.  Belizian's believe that you need a roof over your head to rest, a good meal to share, a christian belief that God is there and that you have only what you need, and God will provide.  I know this  isn't all Belizians but the majority of the ones I have encountered are this way.  I wish more Americans thought this way.  I also wish more Americans saw that their own freedoms are being taken away bit by bit in a government that seems to think they need to dip into so many areas of our lives, much like Charlie's brother who broke into our house without our permission thinking he had a sense of entitlement to do so.............hmmmm
Maybe I did leave the States for a good reason.....the only thing is that I do miss our good friends, they are hard  to come by!

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