Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mexico, learning the fact, tolls, and hotels.....

Yesterday we passed over the boarder.  It took us 4 hours after entering to get everything straightened out.  It was something I am sure that in the future I will laugh about but right now.....hmmm.   We had gone, after crossing the boarder, several kilometers away and found out that we needed to go back to the bridge and get our permit for the car....what a mess!  We spent hours trying to get through the lines to finally have everything worked out and then drove as far as we could without a break for lunch or anything until we stopped in this little pueblo that had several "worn" motels and restaurants. It had been raining and trying follow directions in Spanish was tiring...At one point we had to make a really quick turn and almost slide off the side of the mountain!  (Bumper is slightly dented in but God is watching over us).
When we finally stopped at this small hotel. The funny thing is that CJ kept going on and on about how this wasn't a good hotel.  They took us in no questions in regards to the dog and then there was no internet and the motel was well worn.  You could see that at one time the place was beautiful, it had a court yard with cobblestones and the native floral that you expect to see in Mexico.  It even had a small swing set area.  The woman was nice when we checked in but you knew they believed in values because she asked me if we were married and wanted to see my wedding ring!  The room was so worn and needed work that initially we felt uncomfortable.  We went out to eat to a small Cocineria down the street called Mona Lisa..  We had the best meal by far for under $20 dollars and the room cost us only $300 pesos.
I have to say the most impressive thing about Mexico so far has been the view and the mountains!  I was so surprised after all I heard about Mexico to see such greenery and the mountains are gorgeous!  I am so glad we came here, I don't think I could ever walk away from Life without having seen such beautiful scenery!

Today we got up and started early, eating cereal in the car and trying to make up time for yesterday's fiasco. It was hard work trying to get further along and Charlie had decided that if we could we would attempt to make it to Pueblo and go on from there.  We were on the outskirts of Mexico city when we were pulled over by the police on motorcycles.  Needless to say, $600 American dollars flew out of our pockets and into the pocket of the policeman.....I truly was shaken (up) but it's all a learning adventure!  After they stopped us they were "nice" enough to tell us they would help us get out of Mexico city, they told us to follow them and they got us thoroughly lost and we spent hours trying to figure out how to get back on the road we wanted.  We were exhausted and then finally got to Pueblo after a long drive.  In Pueblo we stopped at a Holiday Inn and were registered and in our rooms when they came in and told us they needed us to leave.  They didn't want to let our dog stay after all.  What a contradiction these people are, they tell us they didn't want us there because the dog might make noise but then as we are leaving there is a big family partying on the steps of the motel making all kinds of noise.  We decided we were just going to keep on going until we couldn't go any further.  It was hard driving on the mountains at night but I did it with really thick fog and just keeping myself together.  I think I want to call Mexico Gods roller coaster, with  scary times on the side of a mountain feeling as though one wrong move and you could go flying off the side.
Finally we stopped and got the hotel to agree to give us a room if we left Tip in the car tonight.  I introduced Tip to the security guard who cautiously petted him.  Everyone here asks if Tip is a seems many Americans have brought guard dogs over and they are very frightened of dogs.  They automatically think we have him for protection and don't understand our love for the dog. Dinner tonight wasn't as good as last night , but we are tired and worn out......I think I am settling down enough to hit the sack but I am so glad we decided not to live in Mexico....I don't like the country as much as I thought I would!

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