Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Well, today is the day...we are expected to cross the boarder into Belize and our friends have all been warned that we should arrive today.   This will be a quick note because we want to get on the road.  We spent the night at a quality inn in Villahermosa.  The Inn is nice and has excellent views and good rooms. There is a really nice pool and the people seem genuine.  Tip ended up in a kennel last night which kind of upset CJ, again, Mexicans don't seem to understand how much Americans love their pets...We had stopped yesterday at a road side diner.  CJ and I ordered the "Hamburgeusa" or hamburgers.  I didn't like the texture of the meat and didn't eat all of mine because I am kind of picky about things like meat, they should taste like meat.  CJ ate his completely because he was hungry and then last night it happened, a full night of throwing up and me trying to not join him and Charlie cleaning up. (It's always been this way when the kids got sick Charlie learned to take care of it himself since I am so soft and start joining them on the toilet)....so today, while being a happy day, we are exhausted.  I can't wait to be in a familiar place tonight.  And we do so love spending time with Jen and Bill, truly nice and interesting people!  Onward to our new home!


  1. Em, hope you got your basket we ordered for you, love you baby, Happy Birthday!
